2:22 (2008 film)

222 is a 2008 Canadian lowbudget crime thriller. The film was directed by Phillip Guzman, and starred Mick Rossi, Robert Miano, Aaron Gallagher, and Jorge A. Jiminez.

Steve Power of DVD Verdict gave a mostly positive review of 222, writing that the film compensated for a lack of budget with some striking visual flair, closing his statement with 222 is a surprisingly entertaining and gritty production. It doesnt add anything new to the crime genre, and the uneven performances certainly dont do the film any favors, but the direction is sound, the script is solid, and the flick has a great look for low budget fare. Mac McEntire, also from DVD verdict, stated that 222 was an okay film, but one that could have been a great movie. McEntire added that the part on the planned heist was cool and fun, but the drama that follows was clich and hackneyed. Paul Mavis, a critic from DVD Talk, wrote a negative review of the film. He stated that the film was tedious, overlong, and overly familiar, and ended with everyone else can safely skip 222. Film Critics United called 222 a solid entry into the heist genre with its gritty look, well realized characters and its judicious use of violent imagery. Filmink was another reviewer which gave a negative review. It gave the film 1.5 out of 5. The LA Times praised the visuals but found it unengaging and disappointing.

Source: Wikipedia